I and jake have been volunteers at the brain study some labcoat fellows in town have been doing. they hook us up to a machine and show us pictures of things like chocolate cake and naked girlies and burn victims and they see how our brains light up. it is fun and i recommend participlating in a brainstudy if ever you get the chance. This is the 3rd or 4th time jake has had his brain studied so he is a pro. the last time was when i and dody seen a balloon caught in a tree and jake climbed up but as usual cld not climb down. He was up there a good spell but then he fell asleep and kind of shook himself loose from the tree and got himself a good bonk in the engine room. but anyway, this brain study is different than that one and we even get paid to do it.

so anyway we borrowed those fellows brainscanner the other night and we hooked it up to that beefalo we have yet to slaughter. it was not easy to do that, i will tell you what. but once we got it hooked up we showed it pictures of girl beefaloes and boy beefaloes and what do you think happened. you are exactly right, that is what happened. ever since georgie femm’s boys glammed that beefalo up w/ lipstick and glitter i have suspected a thing or two abt that beefalo. do not get me wrong i do not really care that my beefalo is gay or not, but it is a thing you think abt from time to time and now the proof is in the pudding.

and then yesterday we put the brainscanner on 242, but nothing much happened but that does not mean 242 is not a high quality sheep it just proves that even tho he is high quality he is still a sheep and not the reincarnation of a dog which is what i thot he might be.

and then cpt slow and big tiny and travis come over and we took turns hooking ourselves to the brainscanner and drinking shots of screech and watching each others brains turn different colors. i said we had a contest but i have to admit that what started out as a contest sort of detoriated into not a contest b/c we cld not figure out what the rules wld be so i spose i was misleading when i said "results of yesterdays brain scan contest."

which, i will have you know, when i mislead abt things like that makes something near my hypocampthus turn as bright a green as a day old grasshopper.