It is amazing to think it has been FIFTY years that Deerfield Village has been "historic." I have always had a soft spot for fake theme villages like deerfield b/c of that one week i spent in Leavenworth Washington way up in the cascade mountains where i bot a pair of those leaderhoses which i still have in my underrpants drawer and dody bot that dirndl and jake ate that nockwurst. we sure had a fine time. in case you do not know, leavenworth is this place that was this little do-nothing railroad and logging town just like deerfield until abt 60 yrs ago when some canny son of a gun decided they shld remake themselves up as a fake bavarian village, which is just exactly what they did and now it is the bavarianest place this side of bavaria. i know that "bavaria" sounds like a kind of disease but it is just a fancy way to say "german."

Ofcourse after leavenworth proved its mustard there were alot of do-nothing towns that made themselves up to be more intresting then they actually are. There is Sicilia out there in ohio where they ahve the tomato festival, and there is donnegin down in kentucky where they have that irish kissing stone and that magnetic hill that makes your car go uphill, and ofcourse there is Scottsboro alabama and their annual Haggis Days.

And then there is good old "historic" deerfield which beats the whole lot of them for being fake right on down to the buttons! They have their story and they are sticking to it, arent they? You can ask any old fellow at leavenworth or sicilia and they will tell you it is all an act, but those fellows down in deerfield play it straight all the way down the line. Well, i say more power to them! Happy 50th!