Back in 2000 when bush got elected Big Tiny bet me $500 that the canadian dollar wld pass the american dollar once bush got his mitts on the economy. Now, that was back when the loony was worth abt 35 cents to the dollar or somesuch business and i took that bet since it seemed like a sure thing. And sure enough i was in the drivers seat come 2004 but instead of taking his $500 like i shld of i let Big Tiny convince me to double the bet to $1000 for the next 4 yrs and i did that and now i am not in the drivers seat since the canadian dollar is stronger than the US dollar.

I do not know where i am going to come w/ $1000 to pay Big Tiny! I think i will have to get my metal detector out and hope i find something good.

And i will tell you something else: if the peso passes the dollar and i lose that other bet I got going w/ that dishwasher at Roberto’s Casa de Pollo, i might just have to get a job.