What happened was the sewer kind of exploded in front of the hardware store and all that sewery stuff was coming out and the hardware store was right in the line of fire and it was not a pretty smelling picture. And so those fellows what work at the hardware store came rushing to town and they put a whole bunch of sandbags out side to keep the sewery stuff from getting in the store, and what happened is that they were my Kitty Glitter sandbags b/c they were the nearest ones and so that is what those hardware fellows took. And since nobody had actually bot any Kitty Glitter yet, which is a fact i still have a hard time believing, there were a whole bunch of my Kitty Glitter sandbags available for the taking.

Now, i am not one to kick up a fuss abt very much but i was selling those Kitty Glitter sandbags for $20 a pop. And those hardware fellows used all 50 of my sandbags so i figure i was out $1000 dollars. Well we had a real go at it, me and those fellows at the hardware store but finally they listened to reason and called theyre insurance company who ended up cutting me a check for $1000 dollars.

So i am happy as a camper right now b/c i have got the money to pay Big Tiny! It sure was good timing the way that sewer exploded. I have heard it happened b/c of dynomite but i dont know abt that. I wld guess it was more likely a small plastics based explosive since you get a fair amount of more accuracy that way. But that is just a guess.