This is complicated so I have to use numbers to explain.

What happened is that Travis:

  1. swore he wld not tell dody abt me mixing up my dessicant collection w/ the sugar jar and
  2. swore he wld not tell dody abt me being wrong in blaming georgie femms boys for poisoning me with dessicant, which they did not do to me and which i did to myself by accident (see #1 above) and
  3. Then he went and told her everything he said he wld not tell her.

Here is what happened:

  1. travis and cpt slow and oola were putting out salt licks for the deer and
  2. oola asked whatever happened to all those sheep what jake had fed the viagra to.

Now, that just opened up a whole can of worms which she shld not have opened at all. Cpt slow told me that he tried to do some damage control but he was not quick enough and travis put 2 and 2 together and boy was he steamed w/ jake for:

  1. spiking his fields w/ viagra and
  2. me for not telling him.

And then what happened was he

  1. marched right over and told dody
  2. told her what happened w/ the dessicant and how it was me what had mixed up the jars and she was married to a no good so and so and such and such and this, that, and the other.

That is the nutshell what travis told dody and then he and i kind of stood there and waited for her to boil up at me, which she had every right to do.

Now i think it is time to review my errors and flaws of late.

  1. For several years dody has questioned the wisdom of me collecting all those little dessicant packets what come in dry goods you buy.
  2. I have assured her for several years that my dessicant collection wld come in handy, which it has done from time to time when i need to dry something out.
  3. This summer I decided to put my dessicant collection in a jar that looks exactly like our sugar jar.
  4. I mixed up the jars.
  5. I spent almost a month in the hospital b/c i had been sweetining my tea w/ dessicant.
  6. I blamed my hosptial stay on Georgie Femms boys b/c i thot they were getting even w/ me for selling them popsicles w/ worms in them.
  7. In fact, they had got even w/ me by putting a box of nightcrawlers in my secret compartment under the floor which stink to high heaven.
  8. Dody did not know i had a secret compartment
  9. I made the mistake one day abt five years ago of telling georgie femm that i had a secret compartment.
  10. There are other things too i am sure.

So as you can see there were several good reason for dody to boil up at me, but she did not. Instead, she told travis to

  1. mind his own damn business and
  2. she led him to the door and
  3. when he left she leaned against it w/ her arms folded and
  4. looked at me and just shook her head and said, "I am going to bake you a pumkin pie, Frank Dodge."

And that is just what she has done and i have eaten abt half of it and I will tell you what:

  1. if you rub my head right now some luck will rub off, b/c i am as lucky as lucky can be.
  2. That is all.