Sez here on the radio that the nfl is going to be playing a game in london. That is fine w/ me and I do not really buy into this line of thinking that bringing football to london means that on the next boat we are going to be shipping them hand guns, but i do think that it is only fair that if we are going to export our cultural violence overseas it makes sense that we start w/ a friendly nation first.

But i am no so sure abt this second game they have planned in norway b/c the players wld have horns on their helmets and i think that is a decision everyone is going regret. I understand that it is in tribute to the norway peoples viking heritage but i think it is a bad idea.

I have learned the hard way that animals what have horns on their heads are no picnic. i have been gored by a deer before and when i worked at the zoo i came real close to getting a fine good morning rosie from a rhino. So i know what i am talking abt.

I will repeat that i think it is great that the nfl is going to be in london b/c it is good to show our allies what we are all abt and also how much bigger our sports figures are then other countries sports figures. But i will also repeat that putting horns on football helmets even if it is done here in the good old US of A is just a bad idea and I hope the people in charge of the nfl will give it a second thot.