Yesterday I went to the store where i bot some candy in case we get any tricker treaters. I also got went to the hardware store where i bot some rock salt. It is important to cover your bases is what I always say.

Anyway, what is this business w/ tiny tiny candy bars? They are not "fun size". I do not see anything fun abt this size atall. If they were really fun size, they wld be gigantic. Or they wld be in funny shapes. These little pipsqueak candy bars are not fun but i do not know what to do abt it except fulminate.

I will tell you what: btw funsize candy bars and gigantic sodas i do not know where are priorities are as a nation. Imagine the confusion one of those child laborers over there in china or wherever wld feel after stitching together all those XXXL t-shirts and imagining a country filled w/ fat giants, and then someone flies that little chinese fellow in to the USA for tricker treat and that little fellow gets a funsize Snickers. If i was that little chinese fellow i wld not know what to make of this country.