Here are the results. I will put them in descending order like they do on TV:

10. The Petes Turkowski, jr and sr, who came as Siamese Frankensteins. It was a clever costume but i saw them in the bathroom trying to share a urinal and it was not pretty.

9. Oola, who is cpt slow’s ebay fiance from estonia, who came as Frankensteins wife. She is a good looking mrs frankenstein, and I think she caused some family confusion w/ the Petes Turkowski.

8. Me, frank dodge. My original plan of going as that fellow what put all those helium balloons did not pan out and since i cld not go as sheep 242 b/c all my cotton balls had got moldy, i went as a mummy. But not just any mummy. I had a soccer ball so i was a soccer mummy.

7. Dody also went as a mummy but she had lipstick and a bunch of wire coathangers so she was Mummy Dearest.

6. Lumb Decker, who got a whole bunch of tampons and painted them blue and went as Picasso’s Blue Period.

5. Cpt Slow, who was the invisible man. At least that is what oola said he was. I did not actually see him.

4. Chet Winchester, who came as a gigantic carrot.

3. Hilary Duff, who stuck all these calendars to her that were all on June and then carried around a big knife, so she was June Cleaver. It was an okay costume. If you ask me i do not think she deserved third place.

2. Carla Johnson, who came as a sexy dog, which is a lot harder to pull off than a sexy cat, which there were a lot of.

1. Leon Grout, who came as a regular ghost. All he did was cut eyeholes in a sheet but you have got to admit that it is a classic.

There were ofcourse a great deal of sexy nurses and sexy witches and sexy superheros and sexy this and thats. There are enough sexy costumes out there that i think it might be time to change the name of the day to Whoreaween, but that does not mean that i do not approve.

You will probly notice that Jake did not win any prizes and that is b/c he came as dr jeckill and mister hide and the judging happened before he turned into mister hide. It was just bad timing for him unfortunately. I will tell you something: i honestly thot jake was just going to hide somewhere for the 2nd part of his costume. but instead he jumped on the bar and drank a whole bunch of stuff out of a testtube and i do not think it was screech b/c it was green and smoky and then things just kind of deteriorated after that and now he can not go back to sportsmens lounge for a solid month.

Anyway, that is all behind us and it is now november and it is time to turn my attention to other things. I and jake have big plans, that is for sure. Gigantic plans, even.