I will tell you what: that Donald Hall is one tough cookie.

What happened was this morning i was putting in the garlic for next spring when i heard a big ruckus in the woods. I figured it was a bear or some turkeys but i was wrong b/c it was donald hall, last years poet lariot. As soon as i seen him things kind of clicked b/c i hard heard someone out there fourwheeling even tho i and jake have got things triplined pretty good out there.

The thing abt those triplines is that the more ATVers we clothesline the more of them we have to take care of when they come stumbling and bleeding out of the woods. I will tell you what: you can not win for losing.

Anyway, this time it was Donald Hall and he was a sight. He hit those wires hard and it is good he did not get his head took clear off. Well, long story short i and dody got him patched up and put some screech in him and then jake came over and cpt slow and oola and Big Tiny, who knows a thing or two abt poetry, and who went and asked donald hall abt charlie simic the new poet in chief and donald said come hell or highwater he was going to take back that little office in the library of congress. Turns out he shanked Ted Kooser to get that office and when his term run out he did not go gently into that good night, as it were. They had to change the locks to get him out of there. Kooser of course is sore at him, and simic keeps looking over his shoulder. which according to hall is just the way he wants it. He kept saying how once he was president of poetry again there wasnt a law in the country what cld touch him.

That is the thing w/ these literary people. All they do is talk shop.

Anyhow, he is gone now and I have got to get up early to get the garlic in or we will not have any garlic at all next year.