Sometimes at nite i will hear water running and squeaky toys and splashing but when i go to see what it is there is nothing there.

I did not have this problem w/ my old tub but this is a new tub. Not a new, new tub but new to me. What happened is I kind of broke the old tub. What happened was a couple weeks ago i caught probly the biggest pickerel i have ever caught and i wanted to keep it alive b/c i was thinking maybe it wld grow some more and i cld charge people to see it and also b/c i kind of felt a connection btw I and that pickerel and i cld not bring myself to cut its head off.

Anyway, so what i did was put a whole bunch of rocks in the tub and fill it up w/ water and keep that beautiful pickerel in there for a few days even tho dody did not like my plan one bit. And then over thanksgiving we had been out for most of the day and it got real cold and i had forgot to close the windows and long story short the water in the tub froze solid and expanded and busted the tub and my pickerel froze to death.

So after i cleaned everything up i and jake went to get a new tub. i had planned on buying a brand new tub but on the way to the tub store i and jake spotted one of those tubs people bury in their yard so you see half of the tub like it is an alcove in a church and then they put a scultpure of the Virgin Mary inside. Well, this just seemed like a sign to me especially b/c i had seen the Virgin Mary in a head of cabbage just this last Sept. So the other nite we went back to that house and dug up the tub and replaced it w/ my broken one and brot the good tub here and hooked it all up and it works fine except that it is obviously a haunted tub. I bet that is why those people put it in their yard w/ the virgin mary in it. They were probably exercising it.

I am not sure whether my tub is haunted by the ghost of that pickerel or by the Virgin Mary or maybe by some one else entirely. Judging from the sound of the squeaky toys and splashing it sounds like a happy ghost, which i spose is good news.

I will tell you what: if dody did not have patience w/ me, she wld definitely not have patience w/ me.