It tasted good but it gave everyone the jumps b/c i substituted wd40 for butter. The reason I had did that and which i did not explain before is b/c the other night i was down town and i found abt 10 whole boxes of wd40, and they were the big cans too. And then we ran out of butter and I have been meaning to go to the store to get more but i have not quite got around to it. So i have been using wd40 in place of the butter, which is what i did when i made Travises birthday cake. Which tasted good b/c what they do not say on the label of the wd40 cans is that wd40 is tastey but the cake did not puff up quite like it wld of if it had of been made w/ butter, but that is not what is important.

What is important is that the cake just slid out of peoples hind parts and there was a run on the bathroom and since there were abt a dozen people at the party and only one bathroom there were abt 11 people squatting in the snow. Except for me b/c i had a stomach ache and Dody b/c she did not i dont think believe me when i said i had not used wd40 in the cake, and Jake who does not like birthday cake.

Lucky for me dody did not say anything to incrinimate me and every one instead blamed it on that cream cheese and salmon dip what Kirby Goodenough brot. Right in front of every one at the party Travis said Kirby ruined his party and he even called him a turd gulge, which is not a nice thing to say.I will tell you what: that is the last b-day party Kirby is going to get invited to for a long while, that is for sure.