Imperium Watch: The Straight of Hormuz

Imperium Watch: The Straight of Hormuz

Headlines screamed about a provocative action by Iran against American warships in the Strait of Hormuz early in January. But the tension sparked by the reports fizzled as TV footage showed that the Iranian craft were tiny speedboats, and the Pentagon soon admitted...

What do you think?

Repeal Sunday Hunting BanI am writing in response to your article ["Open Season"] in the January 17, 2008 issue of the Valley Advocate regarding the possibility of repealing the ban on Sunday hunting in Massachusetts. I would like to address points which...

The World This Week: Grand Slam

The American people must love sports metaphors, because they use them so often to shed light on just about any person, place or thing. For example, no metaphor better sums up the character of George W. Bush than "he was born on third base and thinks he hit a...
Rocking in Tehran

Rocking in Tehran

At a 2001 rock concert in Tehran, Iran, members of the alternative rock band O-hum wore jeans and T-shirts. Some of them had mop-tops. The lead singer jumped around with his bright red guitar as young girls screamed and boys climbed onto the stage, then body-surfed...
Nightcrawler: Wily Coyotes

Nightcrawler: Wily Coyotes

In an industry where each year of existence should really be crunched into a formula not unlike the one used for calculating a dog's true age, Greenfield's Stone Coyotes—with more than two decades under their collective collar—are admittedly a...