With Forks and Hope

With Forks and Hope

Lewis Carroll's work has been inspirational to a host of authors, illustrators, filmmakers and playwrights alike, his writings perhaps spearheading the genres of modern fantasy and/or literary surrealism. One can detect his influence everywhere from The...

What do you think?

Pushing Old NukesThe Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy held a joint meeting in Bethesda, Maryland, Feb. 19-21, planning "the technical issues and research topics for potential extended operation of the nation's nuclear power plants...
Straight (Talk) to Hell

Straight (Talk) to Hell

Republican presidential candidate and Arizona Sen. John McCain has been clear about his position on abortion since he first ran for office 25 years ago: he opposes it. But as he tries to finish off former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who distantly trails McCain in the...
Star Wars 2.0

Star Wars 2.0

Around the same time we East-coasters were bundled up, looking at the full lunar eclipse on Wednesday night, Feb. 20, another somewhat celestial event occurred: The U.S. Navy successfully shot down a "defunct spy satellite" with a missile launched from The...

Imperium Watch: The Enemy Is Us

Sibel Edmonds, one of the most important whistleblowers in today's world, has gained new attention now that the London Sunday Times has recently published her claims that Americans were part of a network that sold nuclear secrets to Turkish agents. The Turkish...