I have got me a lot of house flies what buzz up against the windows so what i did was I got a hair from dody’s brush and i made a little lasso and caught me a fly and kind of roped it around the neck so it was on a leash. Well anyway at first i thot it was on a leash but after a while i stopped thinking it was on a leash and started thinking i had my self a tiny hyperactive black balloon on a string. You know how a balloon when it deflates all of a sudden goes shooting around the room? My fly on a leash was just exactly like that except a lot smaller and it never ran out of air.

So then i and the fly went over to jakes and i showed him what I had done and he got real fired up b/c he has been having cabin fever since you can smell that it is spring but it sure looks a lot like winter and that is a thing that will drive your train right around the bend, and lately jake has been all caboose and no engine. So what I and him did was we got a lot more hair from dody’s brush and we went around and caught us a whole batch of flies and we lassoed them up and I will tell you what: we made our selves quite a bouquet of flies and it cheered us right up.

I know where there is a hornets nest so we are going to try it on them next. We just need to get us some more hair b/c we have used up all of dody’s.