It was a real nice shirt too w/ big red roses on it. I found it in the dressing room of a clothing store a long time ago. It was a perfect shirt to wear in the garden b/c it had flowers & vines all over it & it was like wearing camelflage. I do not think that is the way to spell that word. Anyway, what i mean is i liked the shirt even if it is hard to button b/c the buttons are on the wrong side.

But all of that is in the passed now b/c i have gave my lucky shirt away. What happend was i was in the garden yesterday around lunch time & heard this buzzing sound coming from all around me & then i felt these needles stabbing at me all over. I will tell you what: hummingbirds are ruthless creatures. There were abt 6 of them & they kept divebombing me trying to get at the flowers on my shirt. I ended up having to run away & the whole time those hummingbirds kept chasing me. Finally i took my shirt off & threw it on the ground but by then i was bleeding so much that i think my blood got them even more excited b/c they kept coming at me & by then there were even more of them. Finally i had to hide underneath my truck & i had to stay there until they went away, which was not until it started to get dark.

The last time this happend it was just one hummingbird & i caught it and mailed its head down to the Dept of Wildlife so they cld test it for rabies but all i got was a note saying i shld of had the sense to put the head in something other than a regular envelope, and they never mailed me the results. So i do not think i will bother them again.

Anyway, now i have got bandaids all over me & i have got rid of my lucky shirt & overall it has been a hard couple days.