When Cage (that is Jake spelled backwards by the way) looked at Simone w/ those other Canadian astronauts abt to go to Mars as part of the Canadian League of Aerospace Program, or CLASP, his heart went boom like a big drum. She had eyes & legs & arms & everything. Even in her spacesuit she had them! And they were the prettiest arms & legs etc. he had ever seen. Then he remembered when he 1st set eyes on her. It was a long time ago & it brot back sweet memories but they were also bitter.

They were bitter b/c it all happend after Cage left NASA. The official reason he had to leave was for "behavior unbecoming of an astronaut" but Cage knew it was b/c the other astronauts were jealous of what a good astronaut he was. Sure he did some things he probly wld not do again, but it was not like he ever drove across the country in a diaper. (that is true by the way. Jake never did that) The fact was the other astronauts were out to get him. They sabataged his career!

So it was bitter b/c he was not an astronaut anymore & that is why he liked to climb trees (I put that last part in b/c jake climbs a lot of trees).

But it was also sweet b/c one day Cage saw a red balloon stuck in a tree & inside was a message in French that said BONJOUR! MON NOM EST SIMONE! JE SUIS TRÈS BEAU! J'AIME DES ASTRONAUTES! SI UN ASTRONAUTE TROUVE CE BALLON IL SIGNIFIE QUE NOUS AVONS ÉTÉ CENSÉS POUR ÊTRE ENSEMBLE! Cage read that message & spent TWO whole years tracking her down. Finally he found her in Washington DC working undercover as a spy at an anarchist convention & he said, "Simone! I am yr astronaut!"

She said "You are Cage, the great astronaut!! I knew you wld find me!"

After that they made sweet consumations & promised never to part but they did b/c that was when Gen. Mills contacted Cage & ast him to go undercover as a spy, which he did for another 2 years… and in that whole time he never saw Simone again.

Until now, that is!

Cage watched Simone walk up to the rocket & his heart went boom & a question formed in his mind. "What was SIMONE doing w/ the CLASP astronauts?"

And then another question formed! "Did Simone have something to do with the Canadian Health Care Ray that CLASP was going to put on Mars?"

And then another one! "Was Simone a double agent?"

And another! "Was the only reason Simone contacted him that long time ago b/c she knew what a good astronaut he was & she was learning tricks of the trade?"

And then it became clear as a whole bunch of crystals that Cage had to get onto that rocketship!

But then he remembered the promise he gave to Gen. Mills. He would NOT under any circumstance fall in love! And nobody would fall in love with HIM!

Could he keep that promise?

He saw his reflection in a window. It was like a mirror. "Cage," he said to his reflection. "This is a dangerously romantic mission, but you have to do it. You HAVE to get on that rocketship!"

Then he saw his reflection in another window. "But Cage," he said to his other reflection. "Can you risk falling in love?"

Then he looked at the 1st reflection. "Darn it, Cage," it said to him. "In space, no one can hear you fall in love!"

Cage nodded to his first reflection. He apologized to his second reflection. And then he ran to where they kept the spacesuits & overpowered the guard & then he put one of the space suits on. He had to figure out why Simone was on that rocketship! He had to figure out if CLASP was going to use the Health Care Ray!

Cage raced to the place where astronauts go into the rocket. Someone tried to stop him but he karate chopped him. A whole bunch of other people ran after him! The door to the rocket was closing! Could he make it? Would he make it?