They, Robot

I think the smartest move is to start working on weapons with which to destroy our impending robot overlords. I’m not sure if this is cool, excellent, or terrifying. ALSO: Check out this limited, if still fascinating, discussion of the word “fair”...

All Your Tea Party Are Belong to Us

Today’s game of what’s weirder: a) The Fresh Prince or b) Maine tea party taken over via parking lot threat. Or hey, maybe the Fresh Prince did the threatening? He looks like a tea hater to me. I’d certainly drop my tea party and run if he approached...

Hogging All the Terrorism

Josh Marshall, currently a New Yorker himself, nails the dynamic of conservatives trying to own 9/11: Last week John McCain announced that he too was opposed to the Community Center and Mosque to be built a couple blocks from Ground Zero. To his credit, unlike many...

Bye-bye, Google

So Google and Verizon have decided that there are going to be two Internets. As one wag puts it, the Internet and the Schminternet. The Internet will be unregulated, as it now is, and include anything old. The Schminternet, where ISPs can do whatever they want, will...

And bringing up the rear…

Perhaps it should be considered perfectly normal to pay unnaturally huge humans obscene amounts of money to bolster the image of a metropolis near you by competing with other unnaturally huge humans who take obscene amounts of money in other metropolises. The...