Chicken, meet Gator

I haven’t weighed in on the Ground Zero Muslim community center “controversy” because I find it painfully stupid. It’s the same thing that always happens in August: The Republican drool machine gins up, working the lower end of the GOP...

When Giants Roamed the Earth

Like a kid’s imagination come to life–an award-winning, if unbuilt, design: AND: Every politician’s dream? Brazil bans political satire. And competition from Illinois: An attempt to ban eye-rolling. An idea which will probably induce some rolling of...

Pythagoras would be proud

This is what happens when you do the Clinton triangle dance: On health care, the new law remains unpopular, partly because of the new mandate that all Americans must have health insurance (56 percent oppose the mandate). Other provisions in the new bill are popular,...

Enjoying My Coffee

Here’s another reason to be angry with the amoral subhumans who are ginning up the “mosque” business to fire up the right wing bigot demographic. That “debate” is pointless unless you’re a Republican tapping into the directionless...