Paradise Regained

Paradise Regained

In Chembe Village, in the southeast African country of Malawi, the population is 90 percent unemployed, 90 percent illiterate, 50 percent malnourished “and 100 percent beyond the American middle class mind’s concept of poverty,” as Suzanne Strempek...
Unhidden Harmony

Unhidden Harmony

“We’re trying to get the most visual bang for the smallest spatial buck,” says Alan Schneider, one of the artists behind PanOpera. He’s standing beside a tall, narrow steel scaffold which serves as the multipurpose set for the group’s...

Between the Lines: Smart Food

I’ve spent the last week or so on an assignment that should have left me feeling refreshed and satisfied as only a good meal—or, in my case, many good meals—can. Yet, though I’ve enjoyed some really wonderful cuisine, I’ve come come away...
Meeting With Holyoke Pride

Meeting With Holyoke Pride

The White Rose bookstore was empty save for the group of eight meeting together at the circular table at the front of the store. “Oh, sorry,” I stammered, surprised. “I don’t mean to interrupt. I didn’t know you were having a...
By Way of Washington

By Way of Washington

Eric Lesser had collected his drink at the counter of the Springfield Starbucks and was heading to a table where a reporter was waiting to talk to him about his campaign for state Senate when he was intercepted by a man who greeted him warmly. The two chatted for a...