I and dody have grown some splendid purple cabbages this year and last nite I cut one in half and there was the Virgin Mary as clear as day. I know that might seem hard to believe but dody saw it too.

I will tell you what: it occured to me to start a church, which is what a lot of people who find the Virgin Mary in a cabbage wld have done. i also thot abt sending the cabbage to the vatican or the guinness book or world records or having cpt slow put it on ebay. i will tell you, i was in a real dilemma over what to do w/ this cabbage and i got quite a headache thinking abt my responsibilities to the world. But i do not want all that traffic coming up here when all i really wanted was some cabbage so finally i decided to just eat it. It was a good cabbage, too. i have had better cabbages and i wld not say that this was any kind of miraculous tasting cabbage but it was a pretty good cabbage just the same.