Winter is Coming

My soup beans have been drying in the garage since mid-September. The boss senses things like this from a distance. Though she doesn’t go into the garage much she has a sixth, or seventh, sense for disorder. Once she’d effectively, if temporarily, subdued...

Dinosaurs molting

I have seven Buff Orpington chickens that look essentially identical. Tiny, who has always been a character, sticks out because she’s small and has a few black tail feathers. Despite her size, Tiny has what passes for charisma in a chicken. Until I reinforced...


As I mentioned a few weeks ago, we now have a wood stove to help induce narcoleptic states in the adult human and feline residents. We used it for the first time a few weeks ago when the evening temperature hinted at a cold night. The household hangers-on gathered...


In my blinkered view of the world, the word “yummy” often refers to foods that are probably not all that yummy. I usually hear “yummy” snuggled right up next to something I’m not supposed to like. Yummy brussels sprouts, or yummy light...

Wasted Effort

I snuck some beets into pizza sauce. Hidden under toppings and cheese they slipped under the beetdar. A week later I served the same sauce as topping for pasta and the eldest indigene caught on: “this is blood red and sweet.” He set down his fork; this...