by Cherchez La Femme | Oct 9, 2009 | Cherchez La Femme
I should have known that something was afoot when this was the first image we focused on in this week's episode, called "Souvenir." Suggesting that he hasn't let go of his quest to understand the "Negro" market, Pete "The Weasel"...
by Cherchez La Femme | Oct 12, 2009 | Cherchez La Femme
My friend sent me an email linking to this video of a three-year-old giving a synopsis of Star Wars Episode IV. Before clicking, I assumed the child was a boy. I was wrong.
by Cherchez La Femme | Oct 15, 2009 | Cherchez La Femme
Since Halloween is around the corner, various ladyblogs have been doing posts about the inevitable hoards of women wearing "stripper shoes," fishnets, bunny ears and/or lingerie and claiming the outfits are costumes. It has become the overwhelming trend for...
by Cherchez La Femme | Oct 19, 2009 | Cherchez La Femme
Although he's been dutiful (as much as he could be) Don Draper finally broke this week, in the episode called "The Wee Small Hours." And, indeed, much happened in the hours between midnight and morning in this episode, or in small, dark rooms. By putting...
by Cherchez La Femme | Oct 20, 2009 | Cherchez La Femme
Maine’s two senators are ladies. They are also Republican. So when Sen. Olympia Snowe voted for the health care reform bill, saying, “When history calls, history calls,” and Sen. Susan Collins cast approval on health care reform, the attacks made by...