About Last Night

In my last post, I lambasted the Village Voice for its review of Little Miss Sunshine and contrasted it to the excellent review written by Nathan Rabin and published in The Onion. After finishing the post, I was feelin’ good about my bad self, and I decided...

one more time, now with gusto

There’s been one more response, from the esteemed Mr. Noel Murray –friend and ally of the not-so-esteemed Jim Ridley — to my argument in defense of generalization and in opposition to the film criticism of the Village Voice. Sort of. Murray responds...

Croc Hunter Killed by Non-Crocodilian Animal

Wow, Steve Irwin the croc-hunter’s dead. I’m sad, in a way, because he was an appealing character, and here at DexterNation we’d rather not see anyone, especially the appealing, made dead by stringray attack. That said, I’m also amused, as I...

Pornography Sucks

Dear Dexter,I came across a story about a British “guerilla artist” who,tampered with 500 copies of Paris Hilton’s debut album across 48 record shops in the UK by replacing the CD with his own remixes featuring such titles as Why am I Famous?, What...

Redundantly Redundant

I’d like to note that my newest column, "Dressing Dexter," is now available on the newstands and on-line. Astute readers of the blog will notice that said column is actually a re-packaging of two separate blog posts from the past week or two. I would...