Does Iraq have a lot of Playstations?

Now that we got free cable and the big TV, I been catching up with the news. I saw that thing abt people rioting to get that video game what just came out. At first i thot it was more footage from iraq. i know that sounds like a bad joke but it is what i truly thot....

Dody hit a beefalo in my truck

I cannot believe that as soon as i got my tires back from jake, who had borrowed them again, dody went and hit a beefalo. i always knew those beefalo wld prove to be a menace and i was right. this one just went right thru that fence Travis made. i have told him...

Even the priest says the weather is fucked up

I was in the hardware store yesterday (that is another whole story) when i saw father ziggy (short for zigowski or zignatius or somethinglike that) and i asked him what he thot abt what it says here, that novembers average temperature was 7 degrees higher than normal,...