by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Mar 26, 2008 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
For those of you who’ve been following Jamie and me as we engage with(or, depending on your perspective, condescend to, or waste our time with, or go to war with) the Men’s Rights Advocates at, you may remember such reactions, from us, as...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Mar 27, 2008 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
At our most base, isn’t this what we all want (men, women, gay straight, MRA-ers, NRA-ers, NOWers & Laters) in one form or another? I’ve thought about this comic a ridiculous amount since it ran. (I’ll wait to write more in response to any...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Mar 31, 2008 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
My latest "Feminist Dissident" post is up over at Please to check it out at your leh-zhure. Here’s a taste: Where I’m moderately unusual, for a straight white guy, is that I enjoy talking about clothes. I like watching Project...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Apr 1, 2008 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
In Media Res did a week of videos+commentary recently on the topic of "men and masculinity." My favorite of the posts was this one, which does a short analysis of a video clip, of two men joyously dancing, from the 26-hour (is that right?) miniseries...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Apr 2, 2008 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
Victoria over at Here Be Dragons has an interesting post in which she addresses, in what I think is a pretty balanced way, two issues that are of interest to me. One is the way that one partner in a relationship — typically the woman — tends to do more of...