by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Jul 22, 2010 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
E. J. Dionne sums it all up quite nicely in today’s Washinton Post: “Guilt by association is wrong, but it’s legitimate to insist that those who believe in democracy and freedom take forceful steps to disassociate themselves from people in their...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Jul 23, 2010 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
While it would be natural for me to write about the Shirley Sherrod debacle, it’s just so very depressing that the slimiest pissants on earth weild the kind of power they do, controlling the conversation to the extent that when they say jump even the goddamn...
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Jul 29, 2010 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
. . . you’ll LUUUUUUUV Charlie teh Unicron!!! (Um, I don’t get it, it sure sounds like the same Charlie to me, maybe there were copyright issues? – but I’m not complaining).
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Aug 6, 2010 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
A fellow posted this on Facebook today, adding: “I took this photo as evidence that neither Ms. Palin nor her cabal of PR handlers had the providence of encountering this quote, not to mention reading “Babbitt”.”
by Masculinity and Its Discontents | Aug 12, 2010 | Masculinity and Its Discontents
Many years ago, when I lived in San Francisco, a Brazillian friend and I were, for some reason, watching the Republican National Converntion on TV. This was well before GWB was even running for prez. Bush The Younger was speaking. My friend says to me, “He will...