by Yana Tallon-Hicks | May 20, 2019 | Articles, Columns, Featured, Food Booze and Beyond, The V-Spot
Yana, I’m a trans male and my partner is non-binary. While I identify as asexual, I love pleasuring my partner so much! But I don’t let them touch me. I want to but I’m so self conscious about not having “male anatomy” (gender/sex am I right?) that them touching me...
by Yana Tallon-Hicks | May 13, 2019 | Articles, Columns, Featured, Food Booze and Beyond, The V-Spot
Yana, My partner of a year and I live together and emotionally I’m so content! However, our intimacy has hit a wall. For a while, we enjoyed our pleasure-based fun and our communication was on point! I didn’t think much about the fact that he didn’t seem interested in...
by Yana Tallon-Hicks | May 6, 2019 | Articles, Columns, Featured, The V-Spot
Content note: This column talks about substance use, sobriety, and sexual abuse. Hi there! I’m in a pickle about my sexual experience and identity. I’m curious what you know about the ways sex drive and desire may change for people in recovery and/or for people who...
by Yana Tallon-Hicks | Apr 29, 2019 | Articles, Columns, Featured, Food Booze and Beyond, The V-Spot
Hi Yana, I’m a virgin and I’m in college. Being in college seems to come with a hookup culture and an expectation to be having sex which isn’t the case for everybody. I find myself either lying or being very quiet during conversations about sex with people I’m not...
by Yana Tallon-Hicks | Apr 22, 2019 | Articles, Columns, Featured, The V-Spot
Hi Yana!! I’m 19 years old and I recently ended my first really serious relationship that lasted about a year. A big reason we ended it is that I felt a little restless and wanted to explore an open relationship. I did a lot of research and we both felt comfortable...