

Silly little parenting adage: the days can be slow but the years rush by in a flash. My original baby, the guy who made us into parents (the practice baby, as my mother likes to refer to him) turned fifteen on Sunday. Should I write refer to that silly little...

No One Told Me: #896

I have, over the years, thought that a great little book—the kind people buy when they have no idea what else to give as a gift—would be essentially a list. Title: 1000 Things About Parenthood No One Ever Told You. Here’s #896: You do not remain the...

One Baby Turns Eight

Three years ago feels like a very long time indeed. I guess before always recedes that much further when you are in the midst of after, and for us, autumn three years ago was all about anticipating a baby. Unlike the ones before this baby, I had nothing ping-ponging...

A Monday Moment

October seemed to arrive decisively this weekend (the first weekend of the month), all brisk and breezy and somehow snap-your-fingers different. I do not have appropriate anything together: jackets that fit, all the other things we might need momentarily like hats and...


We had ourselves one of those days you live in New England to experience as your own. The air felt cool while the sun shone warm. Leaves flapped from trees in all colors. The sky couldn’t have been bluer. The clouds, not many of them, seemed suspended, fluffy...

Love Made Visible

There’s a moment each autumn when the glory of the season itself catches me by surprise. If you live in New England—or have visited in, say, October—you probably know what I mean: sunlight, robin’s egg blue skies and golden, orange and crimson...

Intoverted Extrovert

I am pretty sure that my dear husband would tell you just about the funniest thing I ever told him was that I thought I was an introvert. He nearly spit in my face laughing at that one. My response was to burst out laughing with him first, and then try to explain what...


Stacking intensity in the form of a little too much community organizing (fabulous, important and interesting as it is) alongside too much hanging-around time for the kids (illness for one of them, three-day weekend for all, a fourth day off for two of them) last week...

Learning New Tricks

Every time I think about what elementary school calls upon a child to do, I start to feel almost dizzy. I mean there’s an array of subjects like math, reading, social studies, science and music, art, plus maybe a language. There’s all this stuff to...

Telling The Story

I woke up at loose ends. Well, actually, I woke first just before five and thought I heard Saskia crying and then thought I had dreamed I’d heard her crying when it was quiet and then heard her crying. The dear papa brought the girl to bed and got her a bottle...


There are a couple of things about our own personal stories I’ve learned in these decades on the planet. First, there’s not really one story for any story and stories change over time, or at least, their meanings change for us. Adoption, as I’ve...


A new school—for my seventh grader—offers lots of things: challenges—it’s not so easy to be new—and delights—the school newspaper, the mini-courses, the river study that takes place outdoors, the Chorus—and another perspective...

Writing Update

If you’re a regular reader of this bloggity-blog, you know that I decided to do as my fifteen year-old begged, wheedled and cajoled me to do and join him in the NanoWriMo challenge to write a novel—in my case, a memoir—during the month of November. I...

The Wave

As I wrote, this NanoWriteWhatYouKnowMo process is pretty exhausting. I’m going back to a time that was filled with uncertainty, and I’m a person who likes to be in control. Mostly, though, to become a parent is the most out of control experience, ever...

Bittersweet, Sweet

I pretty much never want to turn back the big old hands of time. As much as there are things about getting older—grey hair or creaky knees—I don’t wholly adore, there are other things—a general comfort with being myself—that override the...


There aren’t many leaves left on the trees around here these days. Winter keeps insisting itself—frost in the morning, a really strong cold wind to push against walking up a hill, the light falling away quickly in the late afternoons, and darkness...

Liking Stuff

In the ongoing attempt to weed through, well, everything (a losing proposition, be assured), a few days ago, I noted what is tucked away on my computer’s sidebar. Along with some unfinished essays and a cascade of unreturned emails, there’s the holiday...

Thankful For…

Ten hours’ sleep (in-a-row) Healthy, happy children The most lovely friends ever Dearest spouse Nuance and complexity Family, with its bumps, bruises reality My little town Picture books Haiku Apples CSA farms Championing small farmers Seasons Handmade pottery...

Briefly, Snow

We hit the road—and made it back home. The actual journey involved the highway, but it might as well have been the Oz mantra, tap your heels together three times, because being elsewhere was magical and being home again is kind of magical, too. We tend to take...

He(art) This Weekend

At heart, I’m a homebody. My life—which includes raising four kids, being quite community-focused, talking to people for some portion of my workdays, and an increasing dedicated to walking as many places as possible—belies this truth a bit. I think...


You know how sometimes it seems like kids grow overnight? A few weeks ago, it hit me that my twelve year-old tweenager seemed to have matured overnight. We were talking before bedtime and suddenly he was asking me about my writing project. A few days ago, he told me...


When I was little, I practiced braiding a lot. I had long hair and I’d braid and re-braid my own hair. Like a waltz, there’s something melodic about the 1-2-3 of a braid. Now, I don’t braid my hair and yet all the multitasking comprising my days...


Sometimes, the music one hears isn’t music at all. For me, nearing noon on a Tuesday morning, it was the sound of all those construction vehicles I once knew by name (most especially during the tweenager’s toddlerhood, when he was quite obsessed with...

Great Divides

Amongst the sentences I never expected to dream up: I can’t wait for the street to be torn up. Right now, our water problem has a temporary fix of a jerry-rigged septic—um, hole—in our front yard. Obviously, this inelegant—not to mention...

Cookies (& Water)

Besides water, another theme this week in the frantically-trying-to-clean-up-majorly-for-our-craft-show household has been that part of holiday “prep” known as teacher gifts and end of year celebrations (continuing into next week, with Hilltown Charter...


If I could put one word to my day today it would be sigh. Maybe, I’m saying less a word than an exhalation, the actual motion of letting go a teeny-tiny bit. As in, the construction brigade is in front of my house* being loud (to me, this spells W-A-T-E-R and...

Anthem for the Week

My parents’ wedding anniversary is a date—it was this week—that always pops into my consciousness with alarming clarity. My parents are divorced, haven’t been together since I was eight. So, isn’t it interesting that this date has such a...

Day Passes By

Oh, the sudden onset stomach bug. That was my later portion of Thursday evening. With that litany of words recalled when Saskia had her bout of vomiting on Monday, I thought I’d conjured all of ‘em. I neglected retch. Bingo. To make the yucky part brief...


Regardless of religious persuasion, having a birthday in spitting distance of Christmas probably means your big day is going to be overlooked. You can ask my dear husband (December 27th) about this. He will back me up. So, as ever in the holiday season—remember...

Friends in Foul Weather

It has just been, cold. What really is there to say about the fact that cruel and cold go together somewhere in the language for a reason? And where my general approach to winter is to embrace it enough not to be stuck inside, this round, I pretty much wanted to stay...

The Snow is Pretty

The snow is pretty. Repeat that phrase. The snow is pretty. And I’m pretty much, temporarily at least, over the snow. More than the snow, I’m over feeling cold. Cold is not over New England (it’s the end of January, so that’s actually a good...

Muscle Memory

Saskia’s birthday is next weekend, and I’m reminded of that parenting truism—well, child truism—that sometimes just before the birthday, it seems like the child changes, almost in front of your eyes with big developmental leaps. In...

Twirling Boys

Over the past few days, I’ve read—and reread—Cheryl Kilodavis’ lovely and loving picture book My Princess Boy the way a mama to a nearly three year-old does (that’s to say—and reread and reread). The message of the book is direct...

These (Snowy) Days

Seems like I can’t let the week—two snow days in a row—go by without mentioning that the white stuff seems determined—if snow has any free will whatsoever—to create a stop and start pattern to winter 2011. It’s so halting to go to...


Saskia spent some portion of her birthday learning to hold up three fingers. Two fingers held aloft, easy-peasy. The three middle fingers, though, that takes some training. In recent weeks, doubtless because we’ve been talking so very much about the whole...

Snow is White

However pretty—and it is pretty—I think I’ve kind of had it with snow. Another inch or two is falling. Again, my world is lacy white and somehow just a little colder. There’s a mythic groove I could get back, if not for all this snow (and all...