
In Another's Shoes

In our house, politics is not a hushed topic. So, it’s not out of the blue that the young teen is particularly engaged in politics (and of course, cooking). He started a Save the Earth club in third grade. He got into the birthday party as fundraiser of his own...


We decided it would be nice to spend a couple of days in the Berkshires—pretty place, staff development days at one school, a tiny bit of work this direction and besides we got a good deal on a nice place to stay—and so off we went. The added and...

The B&B

After a three-day visit from my mom—one that involved some tasty cooking with the younger teen, some playing with the little girl and some clearing out of lots of stuff with me—we enjoyed a three-day visit by our lovely artist friend and then a weekend...

Two Words

I’ve been a bit slower on the blog the past couple of weeks—freelancing, cleaning my house, this weekend just racing around from event to event to event—and while I want to write a short, smart essay to start the week off, that’s not happening....

Small Things

I spent time yesterday trying to think about how to say something along the lines of for however many big, important things matter there are also so many small and seemingly unimportant things that occupy our days. I wanted to say that those things matter, too, if...


A few things: I’m just going to list ‘em, because I can. On Saturday, I will co-facilitate a workshop essentially about gender wars on the playground (in the media, classroom, or at grandmother’s house) called When Boys Wear Pink. It’s at the...

Backyard Party

Picture little girls on swings and in young women’s arms. Picture a nearly ninth grader playing a Frisbee game with twentysomethings. Picture two third grade boys certain young adults dancing with beer bottles in hand are drunk and taking great delight in...


I love the way this image captures the slip-slide of an elementary school concert. Or perhaps, it’s how I feel much of the time, like the kid with the black and the white sock. I’m a bit rumpled. Speaking of the elementary school, there’s a goal to...


The one piece of twin advice I ever sought out—not for myself—turns out, I’m told, to be very good advice indeed: prepare to spend the early nursing months shirtless. Make sure that you have comfortable “stations” ready for the task...

Mothers & Humans

At just before nine Sunday morning six eighth grade boys wished me a Happy Mother’s Day as we pulled into the parking lot for their Frisbee tournament. A few had forgotten to say the same to their mothers. One has two dads and the kids reminded him he...

On Shoelaces

If you give a man (or woman, 2012, baby) a fish, he’ll eat for a day. If you give a man (or woman) a fishing pole, he’ll eat forever. If you give your child sneakers with laces, he’ll learn to tie them and be able to wear any damn shoes he...

Time is a Mindbleep

Fourteen years ago (Saturday), at one minute after noon on a sunny day much like yesterday—hot, yellow light after a perfect cool morning—my second boy emerged into the world. Peaceful there in the belly until 25 minutes before his arrival, that would, in...

The Tuesday Three

These days I come into Tuesday with force. Mondays, I try hard to hit the ground running, and get loads of work done. I just began to take a yoga class early evening Mondays, and it’s a new yoga effort for me, a flow class. I am giddy in love with it....

Actual, Real Basics

In the best-case scenario—or even a less-than-best-case scenario—when it comes to babies and parents, love is a given. The basics of babies aren’t about how to carry them or where to have them sleep or which diapers to use. I think they are about how...

The Tuesday Three

I am definitely having a little grass-is-greener moment here. Pretty sure another word for this is burnout. Plus, some solo parent time this week while the dear husband goes off on some work trips this week has me in a state of anticipatory anxiety about the...

The Tuesday Three

This is week number three of the Tuesday Three and I am beginning to see a pattern, in that if it’s not a three-day weekend, I am kind of soaring from the thrill of leaving my house early on a Monday evening for my fabulous yoga flow class. Clarification: I...

Mostly Nothing

Weekend update dates me. But here’s a mini-one anyway. On Saturday, we didn’t do all that much. With the little girl and the younger teen I walked to town for lemons and treats. There was a rushed co-op stop with the younger teen later in the day. I made...

The Tuesday Three

Last week, the little girl enjoyed the typewriter’s novelty at the eighth grade project presentations. The computer’s inner workings were this project’s focus. How I’d forgotten about sticky keys. Wow. I haven’t forgotten about determined...

Dad Tries

I’m not much of a Hallmarkian, so Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day aren’t big deal holidays (or really even marked) in our house. Father’s Day, though, in the world of written work, elicits publication of some strong...

The Tuesday Three

When the wonderful midday yoga teacher somehow gets everyone to face the back wall instead of the windows and then has everyone in downward dog, what happens is this: you see the gorgeous old buildings across Main Street and the sky above from upside down. I have to...

Summer Wish List

This is my third summer wish list (you can read the first and the second if you’d like). When I return to the task, I’m always struck that there was so much I wanted to do and didn’t do and so much I wanted to do and did do. I realized yesterday when...

Checking In

My friends know I’m really, really good for the check-in. A call or an email, even a postcard may come from me, often the call comes in the morning after kids are school bound and while I make my way home on foot. I have a very old flip phone I refuse to give...

Summer Puzzles

Summer feels summery—and not. I’ve been working a little too hard, shuttling kids lots, and affirming to the four year-old now in the Upstairs Group at preschool that indeed, her fingers must have grown longer and that’s why she’s an Upstairs...

July Postcard

A friend of Remy’s left his hat in the car en route to tennis earlier this week. Now, tennis takes place from 1:00-4:00 PM (I know, right on hot days like this week’s?) and so a baseball cap is a smart thing to wear (just like a bicycle helmet, it only...

A Fine Tooth Comb

The lice crisis began innocently enough. “We found nits,” my friend Ellen said over the phone. I drove Remy and Gabe and Remy home from tennis and sent them to Ellen’s porch so she could check them. “Nits,” Remy announced just a few...


If Monday afternoon seemed for longhaired Remy a personal licefest 2012, amazingly by Wednesday morning the coast of his scalp was clear. Pediculicide, groovy natural potions, alcohol, witch hazel, olive oil, vacuum cleaners, dryers, and 14 dollar nit comb later, it...

Letters to Camp

This is a letter to the editor written by Biocitizen campers at another of Remy’s camps The two weeks—well, 13 days—of Journey’s End Farm Camp are nearly complete. Tomorrow, I go get my guy. I cannot wait to hug him and his requisite layer of...

In a Jam

Yesterday, I made four batches of jam: nectarine, wild Maine blueberry, peach and peach-jalapeño. Can I even admit that I have a few more peaches left? I’ll make one last run at jam today. I actually over-jammed. I hit jamming fatigue. I actually felt...