The Witching Hour

The Witching Hour

Shakespeare's Macbeth is so steeped in superstition with its witches, visions, apparitions and prophecies that many thespians have been known to refuse to call the play by its name in fear of invoking a curse, instead referring to it as "The Scottish...

Valley Bailout

For the past 13 years, every fall independent filmmakers have descended on Northampton to take part in the Northampton Independent Film Festival (NIFF). Armed with their documentaries, shorts and feature-length films, they showcase and discuss their work in an...

Letters: What Do You Think?

More on Noho PanhandlingNorthampton does not have an extensive social support system. Funding has been cut, and there are not enough beds in the shelter system. Much of the shelter system is draconian and condescending, and the slightest infraction can send someone...

The World This Week: Georgia on My Mind

My brother's grave in Georgia is covered by pine needles and cones, thick magnolia leaves and grenade-like magnolia seedpods. As I lie here next to it and think about him, yellowjackets hover around my head and tiny black ants crawl through the sparsely vegetated...

Imperium Watch: Paulson, Buy My Ass(ets)!

Dear Secretary Paulson: In light of the fact that the federal government has decided to buy up all the bad debt and devalued investments out there, I would like to offer my own toxic assets for purchase:1,000+ Comic Book Collection: Despite having paid top dollar for...