Bush in Flatland

Two things to blogulate, now that I'm back in the saddle after one of those hiatuses necessary to the proper functioning of the synapses. First up is the President-elect. What is the intent of the current leaking from Camp Obama about 300 billion in tax cuts? Is...

More Obama Drama

So everyone's up in arms about Barack Obama's choice for the person who will give the prayer at the inauguration later this month. He's picked the inspiring-looking, Evangelical, megachurch-leading Rick Warren to bless the ceremony. The logic behind such a...

Tales from the Tool Box

Vh1's "reality" programming is anything but. Instead, the shows seem to bubble to the surface from the depths of a bottomless cesspool of greed, confusion, humiliation, and fame, manufactured to provoke the worst in people. Seen this way, the shows seem...