Pig Farm

As I will hopefully convince you in these blogular entries, I’m trying to live a more “sustainable” lifestyle. I’m really not particularly impressed with my efforts. Yes I bike to work (or take the bus), I grow a fair amount of my vegetables...

Children hate vegetables

People who don’t eat their vegetables are only fooling themselves. Animals can’t do the magic. They can’t take CO2 and turn it into sugar. The magic of taking an inorganic gas and turning it into an organic nutrient didn’t make it into the...

Plant of the Week: Welwitchia mirabilis

I’m sure many of my legion readers are familiar with the blog Badass of the week or the more subtly titled F.U. penguin. I would like to introduce the plant of the week. What a clever name, yes? This week’s plant could really be a bad ass of the week:...

Chaos, order and gardening

I didn’t know them personally, so this is hearsay, but when the first westerners arrived on these shores (oddly coming from the east) they saw untrammeled wilderness. They were misinformed. According to William Cronon in Changes in the Land, it was actually a...