by Frank Dodge | Dec 24, 2007 | The Dodge Report
But I think the first thing you need to know is abt Eddie Champagne who runs a used car place and xmas tree farm on the out skirts of town. And the next thing you need to know is that you can not trust eddie as far as you can throw him and considering that eddie is a...
by Frank Dodge | Dec 27, 2007 | The Dodge Report
What happened was that Jake parked that load of xmas trees we had borrowed from eddie champagne and had took down to NY to sell but cld not b/c of the threats we had received by the canadian xmas tree racket and he parked the truck and everything right smack on top of...
by Frank Dodge | Jan 1, 2008 | The Dodge Report
I used to work at the zoo so I know a thing or two abt a thing or two. And what i know is that a lot of the meat what gets fed to tigers and alligators comes from cows and chickens. But not all of it. This is a secret that zoos do not want the public to know so if you...
by Frank Dodge | Jan 4, 2008 | The Dodge Report
I probly shld not have got my heart all set on them. I bet he has eaten all of them by now. But that is fine. I did not really want his damn corn nuts anyway. He can keep them. They were probly cool ranch flavor and i do not even like cool ranch flavor. But it is a...
by Frank Dodge | Jan 10, 2008 | The Dodge Report
It is fair that she is mad abt losing but it is not right the way she keeps calling them caucussuckers. I do not buy this explanation that what she meant was people were suckered in to voting for that obama fellow and that edwards fellow and what she means is people...