We have got Ted Williamses head!

I do not like to make a big deal out of this but i used to play minor league baseball & was good friends w/ ted williams of the red sox. So what happend was he died a while back & his step son had him cryongetically frozen so some time down the road teds DNA...

Results of todays Odds-Evens Contest.

We used the Quebec Rules exactly as they are written except instead of saying Zed we said Zero. That caused some confusion ofcourse but we all got used to it after awhile. Besides it is rare that you ever have a zero b/c people pretty much always put down at least one...

My vaccuum is gummed up w/ slugs.

I wish I had of kept the rec’t b/c this never shld of happend. What happend is, I have got abt a million slugs feasting on my cabbage. So I ran the extinction cord down w/ the vacuum & started sucking them up but they just jammed up the filter & the...