Stern vs. The Spurs: The Sponsors Are Always Right

The fluid line between competition and entertainment just got a bit more blurred. NBA Commissioner David Stern hit the San Antonio Spurs with a fine of a quarter million dollars because their coach, Greg Popovich, arguably the third best coach in the history of the...

Football, Guns, and Controversy

Are you ready for some football media gun violence controversy? Usually, halftime is the boring part of the three to four hours of football programming. The portion of the celebrated spectacle that you can skip, without fear of missing anything important. But not this...

Hunting the Great North Woods

As orange hats are once again donned for trail running during deer season, thoughts turn to the Tall Timber Lodge, the best little sports lodge in the North Country. (Located in Pittsburg, New Hampshire, to be exact.) While home to less than nine hundred citizens,...

Beyond “Because It's There”

“Because it’s there” has been the accepted motivation behind all manners of exploits, by all manners of outdoor adventurers, ever since George Mallory legendarily offered it decades ago, as an explanation for why he climbs mountains. Which is...

Has Hunting Gone Hipster?

Hunting occupies that rare place in our cutlural lexicon whereby it exists as both recreational sport, and as a way to provide food for oneself, and one’s family. But has hunting become a wedge issue, an identity checkmark on the battlefield of partisan...