The Public Humanist

Why We Need to Study War More

In his recent Humanist column (“Ain’t Going to Study War No More”), Tim Neumann of the Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association (PVMA) wonders why so many Americans place so much attention on “studying” war. Rightly, he questions what we...

“History in the First Person”

One of the perks of my job is attending programs that have been funded by Mass Humanities. I wish I could attend them all. We support an incredible smorgasbord of projects, which have in common only that they are public humanities programs in or about Massachusetts....

Having Sisters to Dream With

The idea to create a new folk opera about the life of Sojourner Truth came in a dream. It was short, just an image really, of composer and dear friend, Paula Kimper and me sitting in the Academy of Music in Northampton and we overwhelmed with joy. We were listening to...

The Creative Conversation

The state agency I work for, the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) supports the arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences across the Commonwealth. The most obvious form of that support is funding to organizations and individuals, including an annual allocation of...

Connecting Teachers to the World

“When I was a little girl, I repeatedly heard the story of my aunt who went to the United States. She earned a Master’s Degree, got married to a PhD who had the green card, and thus realized the so-called American dream and lived happily ever after. And I...

Nonviolent Movements in the Modern World

The Center for Nonviolent Solutions in Worcester, MA, in collaboration with Clark University’s Hiatt Center for Urban Education, will offer a nine-session professional development institute for teachers in grades 5-12, on nonviolent movements in the modern...

Jack Speaks of Lowell

“In my opinion Lowell, Massachusetts is now the most interesting city in the United States of America,” Jack Kerouac enthusiastically proclaimed on a local Lowell radio show in 1962. He told the interviewers that he was back in his boyhood city for a...

The African Academy Awards

On March 7th I woke up to this unexpected email from Nigeria: “I am pleased to inform you that your DOCUMENTARY, COEXIST, is nominated in the BEST DOCUMENTARY category of the Africa movie Academy Awards 2011 edition holding in Bayelsa State on the 27TH MARCH...

The Ancient Art of Un-forgetting

These few words were written to introduce Jon Peede and Andrew Carroll, the creators and guiding spirits of Operation Homecoming, at a recent public meeting of the Pioneer Valley Veterans Writers Project, sponsored by the Veterans Education Project. Operation...

What Do Arabs Want?

My students sum up what Arabs want in one word: dignity. I’m writing from the American University of Sharjah where I’m teaching for the semester. My students and colleagues are a fair cross section of the region and of the population of the United Arab...

Burial at Sea

When the First World War broke out, Henry James wrote a letter that lamented the sad truth that the event revealed to him about European civilization: The plunge of civilization into the abyss of blood and darkness by the wanton fiat of those 2 infamous autocrats is a...

Reader's Companion

re-reading with electronic bi-focals Unlike most years, II made resolution this January: I’m re-reading some of the many books that have meant something to me over my not quite four decades of reading. As I do this I learn something about the person I used to be...

Normal 0

It’s one of the first nice days in April, and I find myself in a familiar place: walking with Stacy Klein through the grounds of a former dairy farm in Ashfield, lingering by a stream or pointing out features of the landscape – picturing to ourselves herds...

A Thrill in the Park

I was excited when I got off the train at the Park Street T stop in Boston. I was meeting Margaret for the first time. She had promised me a thrill in the park and I was more than a little curious. I had told her to look for a little bald man. She told me to look for...

Joe the Worm Guy

Joe and his parakeet Susie,photographed with natural light in an upstairs bedroom of Joe’s house in Ipswich. The North Shore of Boston is a biological sanctuary. Salt marshes, tidal creeks and estuaries comprise thousands of acres of this pristine coastal...

My Architectural Problem, and America's

I’m sitting in one of the better known architectural spaces in the world: the Frank Lloyd Wright drafting studio at his Taliesin estate. At many of the tables sit the students of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, which offers both B.A. and M. Arch....

Mass Humanities Summer Reading List

Need a good book for summer? Whether you want something to relax with in the hammock, pass time with on the beach, or make a vacation — or dinner party — count with some serious intellectual vigor, we’ve got you covered. These 11 books —...

Media Marauders, at Home and Abroad

Makers of culture have always been fascinated by their own perilous dance with poverty. From the starving artist and the actor-as-waiter to the washed-up writer and the dive bar crooner, the hapless tale of the creative-gone-broke has been a reliable storyline for...

In the Beginning . . .

When I was in the first grade, the nuns at school told me that God had no beginning; He just always existed. That made no sense to me. Everything has at least a beginning. I was fairly certain, in my self-assured 7-year old mind, that the nuns had just not looked hard...

“Swallowed by an Idea”

Can three great writers from the nineteenth century help us understand the eruption of terrorism in our own time? In my view, they can and we shouldn’t ignore what they have to tell us. As a case in point, the title of this essay is based on a profound insight...

Music in Middlemarch

As I mentioned in this forum a few months ago, I have been re-reading books this year ( In particular, I have been revisiting and enjoying some favorites from the eighteenth and nineteenth century.George...

On TRUTH and Risks

Isn’t it risky? How do you dare? Where will you get the money? Aren’t you afraid of criticism? Don’t you know you are white? Who do you think you are? These are some of the questions that arise when people hear about our new project, TRUTH, a new...

Holding My Breath

As I write this morning, wheels are turning in Brockton on a project that began for me almost five years ago. Ten-by-twelve-foot vinyl banners are being printed and rigged for hanging on the faces of downtown buildings; the buildings’ landlords are getting ready...

Why the Civil War?

Several members of Five College Learning in Retirement have been spending the last several months organizing 5CLIR Sesquicentennial Symposium: Civil War Causes and Consequences, a Mass Humanities’ funded project that respond’s to the foundation’s...

What's in a Photograph?

I visited Mary Beth Meehan’s City of Champions, a display of large-scale images of Brockton residents on the walls of buildings in downtown Brockton. Meehan photographs people she gets to know and comes across in Brockton, a town that is struggling with economic...

Paris Wasn't the Only Destination

I recently watched an interview with David McCullough on Book-TV, a marvelous weekend program on C-Span2 that I heartily recommend. The principal subject of the interview was McCullough’s admirable new book, The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris, which, as its...


Those Dummies books can be really useful when you just need to know enough to keepa conversation going, have questions you’re embarrassed to ask, or when arudimentary level of knowledge is adequate. Building a Website for Dummies, HomeMaintenance for Dummies,...

Tolstoy's Bedside Table

This summer on my way to work, I found something just for me in a box of cast-off books on a sidewalk in downtown Northampton: a biography of Tolstoy by Henri Troyat published in 1967 and translated from the original French by Nancy Amphoux. A clipping with a photo of...

How the 99% Will Live?

In light of our upcoming symposium about the internet and democracy, I proposed to write about the riches of the internet for humanities scholars. But I do not wake in the night with visions of the Library of Congress’ American Memory website, the ability to...