by Advocate Staff | May 24, 2024 | Arts, Featured, Music, Staff Picks, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer If you go to a milonga, or social dance, to do tango dancing in Buenos Aires, you’ll likely be doing it to live music. In western Massachusetts? No so much. Now, though, Western Mass Tango, which has hosted tango lessons and dances in the...
by Advocate Staff | May 24, 2024 | Arts, Featured, Music, Review, Stage, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer When Chris Smither found his live gigs shut down during the worst months of COVID-19, he figured it might at least be a good opportunity to write some new songs — something the veteran folk/blues singer and guitarist admits is not the...
by Advocate Staff | Apr 30, 2024 | Arts, Featured, Music, News, Staff Picks, Stage, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer In late March, the fabled Iron Horse Music Hall, slated to reopen in mid May, was still a pretty raw construction site. Boards, pipes, boxes, and other materials were piled on the floors, along the walls, and on tables. Extension cords to...
by Melissa Karen Sances | Apr 30, 2024 | Featured, Staff Picks, Uncategorized, Wellness
By Melissa Karen Sances For the Valley Advocate “Emily’s mission in life is to teach women to live with confidence and joy inside their bodies.” This sentence mesmerized me. It’s an assured statement about a complicated topic: body image and sexuality, and...
by Jennifer Levesque | Apr 30, 2024 | Arts, Columns, Featured, Mixtape, Music, Uncategorized
By Jennifer Levesque For the Valley Advocate Hero and the Horror, “Old Ghosts” Western Mass’ Hero and the Horror recently released their first full length album, which was highly anticipated by the local music scene. The band had a handful of shows recently leading up...
by Monte Belmonte | Apr 30, 2024 | Columns, Featured, Food + Booze, Food Booze and Beyond, Monte Belmonte Wines, Monte Belmonte Wines, Uncategorized
By Monte Belmonte For the Valley Advocate The Bridge of Flowers may be closed to tourists this year but I can think of another great reason to visit Shelburne Falls — bowling! But this is a wine column. So, I’ll start again. The Bridge of Flowers may be closed to...
by Robin Goldstein | Apr 30, 2024 | Columns, Featured, Food Booze and Beyond, Uncategorized
By Robin Goldstein For the Valley Advocate As an economist studying the weed industry, I end up in a lot of policy discussions with people who do not believe that weed should be legal. Their points are often fair, well reasoned, thought-provoking, and deserve to be...
by Jarice Hanson | Apr 30, 2024 | Arts, Columns, Featured, Stage, Theater Matters, Uncategorized
By Jarice Hanson For the Valley Advocate In this next year, theater goers from Hartford to the Berkshires are going to have more entertainment choices than they’ve had in many years because attracting new audiences has become an art in itself. Older, more established...
by Advocate Staff | Apr 19, 2024 | Arts, Featured, Music, Stage, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer Not so long ago, there was a general lament sometimes heard among Valley musicians: “There aren’t enough places to play around here.” That might have been true for professional players who wanted to be paid — and maybe, despite the...
by Advocate Staff | Mar 15, 2024 | Featured, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer When Peter Sokolowski started work as an editor at Merriam-Webster 30 years ago, about 80 people worked at the venerable dictionary company in Springfield, including about 45 editors. But based on how quiet the offices were, it might have...
by Advocate Staff | Mar 7, 2024 | Articles, Featured, Food Booze and Beyond, Staff Picks, Uncategorized, Wellness
By Bob Flaherty For the Valley Advocate A gamechanger, they call it. A chance to face the challenges of your life head on. To free your mind, unencumbered by old negative patterns. Empowering your life. Re-setting your brain. Though it’s been around for decades,...
by Jarice Hanson | Mar 7, 2024 | Arts, Columns, Featured, Review, Stage, Theater Matters, Uncategorized
By Jarice Hanson For the Valley Advocate World premieres are challenging pieces of theater in every sense. For many theaters and theater companies, it’s safer to produce an “old chestnut”— a show that has a proven track record with audiences, or a show that is...
by Monte Belmonte | Mar 7, 2024 | Columns, Featured, Food + Booze, Food Booze and Beyond, Monte Belmonte Wines, Monte Belmonte Wines, Uncategorized
By Monte Belmonte For the Valley Advocate Aging wine is a lost art. It’s lost on me and I’m a self-described wine snob. I have exactly two bottles of wine in my “wine cellar.” It’s actually not a cellar at all. It’s a room off of my living room where I keep my tools...
by Robin Goldstein | Mar 7, 2024 | Featured, Food + Booze, Food Booze and Beyond, Uncategorized
By Robin Goldstein For the Valley Advocate The weed world is always full of buzz, and lately you might have heard everyone buzzing about terpenes. Should you care? The answer is complicated and non-obvious. To explain, I must start from the beginning of the story, in...
by Jennifer Levesque | Mar 7, 2024 | Arts, Featured, Mixtape, Music, Uncategorized
By Jennifer Levesque For the Valley Advocate Local musician Chris Croteau took a musical hiatus to focus on parenthood, but is now back with an album that is worth the wait. Released in November of last year, “Mesmir” is Croteau’s comeback. The 16-track album has...
by Advocate Staff | Feb 23, 2024 | Featured, Uncategorized
By HANNAH BEVIS For the Advocate Every Sunday morning from November to early February, dozens of people rolled up to Easthampton Mountain View school to play basketball. Games started at 10 a.m., but players always showed up early to shoot around and warm up (some...
by Robin Goldstein | Feb 23, 2024 | Featured, Food + Booze, Food Booze and Beyond, Staff Picks, Uncategorized
By AZAI DUGGER and ROBIN GOLDSTEIN For the Advocate Note from Robin Goldstein: For this column, I asked my 9-year-old nephew and co-author Azai Dugger to choose his favorite restaurants and briefly describe each one — the same task as I undertook for my last Gazette...
by Robin Goldstein | Feb 9, 2024 | Featured, Food + Booze, Food Booze and Beyond, Staff Picks, Uncategorized
By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN For the Advocate If I were writing the Pioneer Valley chapter of a travel guide to New England, this would be its section for “dinner with table service.” I list restaurants first that I feel are most essential to the local dining scene, the ones we...
by Advocate Staff | Feb 9, 2024 | Featured, Leisure, Uncategorized
By JAMES PENTLAND Staff Writer More than 60 years after he crossed his first foreign border, Gerard Simonette this month completed a mission of sorts: He checked off the last remaining letter of the alphabet of countries he has visited with a trip to Oman. Simonette,...
by Advocate Staff | Feb 2, 2024 | Arts, Featured, Uncategorized
By DON STEWART For the Advocate There are those who see winter not as a season but as a siege. They tire of shoveling white glittering fractals from their driveways and see snow as the unnecessary freezing of water. If you’re among those who don’t consider the frozen...
by Advocate Staff | Feb 2, 2024 | Arts, Featured, Music, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer Back in the 1980s, Jack Frisch, then in his early twenties, got bitten pretty hard by the jazz bug, taking the ferry from his home in Staten Island, New York, over to Manhattan with some friends and haunting record shops. His interest had...
by Advocate Staff | Jan 26, 2024 | Arts, Featured, Food + Booze, Food Booze and Beyond, Music, Staff Picks, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer When John Piskor opened his Cajun-style restaurant, Gombo Nola Kitchen & Oyster Bar, in Northampton last year, he said he eventually wanted it to turn it into something akin to a New Orleans cafe, where people come out for a drink and...
by Advocate Staff | Jan 26, 2024 | Articles, Careers & Education, Featured, Film, Staff Picks, Uncategorized, Wellness
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer Dr. Khama Ennis had come a long way in her medical career. Until 2022, the Amherst resident had spent about two decades in emergency medicine, including a number of years as chief of emergency medicine at Cooley Dickinson Hospital in...
by Advocate Staff | Jan 26, 2024 | Arts, Featured, Stage, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer Looking for some talented older actors who can play a wide range of roles? Who have decades of experience in theater, film and television? Raye Birk and Candace Barrett Birk are at your service. The Florence couple, relatively new...
by Advocate Staff | Jan 19, 2024 | Arts, Featured, Staff Picks, Stage, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer Ever since the November 2022 elections, politicians in over a dozen Republican-controlled states have seemed to compete with each other in attacking parts of the LGBTQ community: banning or restricting gender-affirming medical care for...
by Advocate Staff | Jan 12, 2024 | Featured, Food + Booze, Leisure, Uncategorized
By KATE LAUGHLIN and GRACE XU For the Advocate Walking into the Majestic Saloon in Northampton feels like a breath of fresh, albeit heavily perfumed, air. The pink and purple lighting with a constant loop of popular drag queens Trixie and Katya on the TV signals that...
by Advocate Staff | Jan 8, 2024 | Arts, Featured, News, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer It’s been a long run — but the finish line is now in view. The Northampton Community Arts Trust building, largely or partly shuttered for most of this year, is poised to reopen, as work to make the final improvements in the...
by Advocate Staff | Jan 8, 2024 | Articles, Featured, News, Uncategorized
By EMILY THURLOW For the Advocate A woman dressed in pajamas walks into a Cottage Street bar and challenges a random stranger to an arm-wrestling match. The circumstances sound like the set-up of a joke. It’s not. That woman is Rose Lynch of Easthampton, and over the...
by Advocate Staff | Jan 8, 2024 | Articles, Arts, Featured, Music, News, Uncategorized
By ALEXANDER MACDOUGALL Staff Writer When Chris Freeman was in eighth grade, his father took him to the Iron Horse Music Hall for his first concert at the venue, where he was immediately entranced by the atmosphere, sitting at one of the tables by the wall plastered...
by Robin Goldstein | Jan 8, 2024 | Columns, Featured, Food + Booze, Food Booze and Beyond, Uncategorized
By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN For the Advocate Weed Utopia is not a specific set of rules for growing weed or government policies. It is a patchwork of places and moments in history when weed has elevated the amount of love between people in the world, often against all odds....
by Monte Belmonte | Jan 8, 2024 | Featured, Food + Booze, Food Booze and Beyond, Monte Belmonte Wines, Monte Belmonte Wines, Uncategorized
By MONTE BELMONTE For the Advocate Dom Pérignon, the Benedictine monk, did not invent Champagne. But if you’ve seen his commercials with Lady Gaga, he will be happy to charge you $250 or more a bottle for it. Champagne is, first, a place. A place which our monk...
by Jarice Hanson | Jan 8, 2024 | Arts, Featured, Stage, Theater Matters, Uncategorized
By JARICE HANSON For the Advocate For theater aficionados December has been rich with holiday performances that run the gamut from musical reviews to the classics, and occasionally, campy reminders that the holidays bring out the child in all of us. This year, three...
by Advocate Staff | Nov 24, 2023 | Articles, Arts, Featured, Uncategorized
By MADDIE FABIAN Staff Writer It was a cold and icy winter day when Amy Thompson accidentally locked herself out of the house, with nothing but her phone and time to spare — not an uncommon tale. But rather than becoming frustrated with herself for wasting 40 minutes...
by Robin Goldstein | Nov 24, 2023 | Articles, Featured, Food + Booze, Uncategorized
By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN For the Advocate In New Orleans — the sultriest, eeriest, prettiest and drunkest city in America — filigree balconies dangle from creaky old mansions painted in blazing colors. Inside, on every block, their kitchens burst with the blazing flavors of...
by Melissa Karen Sances | Nov 24, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Music, Uncategorized
By MELISSA KAREN SANCES For the Advocate As snow mingles with rain this Tuesday evening, the door to Spare Time Northampton is cool to the touch. But inside the bowling alley’s City Sports Grille, the cracks of falling pins fade into the warm pulse of swing music. The...
by Advocate Staff | Nov 3, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer Paintings that date to the early 1800s. Native American crafts and textiles from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Depression-era photographs and ones taken just a few years ago. A quilt that offers interesting commentary on a pop...
by Advocate Staff | Nov 3, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer Though she was too young to understand many details at the time, Mollye Maxner remembers the Vietnam War had a profound effect on her family. Her father, Steve Maxner, served as a combat medic in the war and endured emotional turmoil from...
by Advocate Staff | Oct 27, 2023 | Articles, Featured, News, Staff Picks, Uncategorized
By BOB FLAHERTY For the Advocate If it was just that hippie rag, as detractors liked to rank it, well we hippie ragamuffins devoured it front to back. It spoke our language, the F-laden part included, and it was as underground as the music we toked to. But we soon...
by Advocate Staff | Oct 27, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Music, News, Stage, Uncategorized
By ALEXANDER MACDOUGALL Staff Writer At long last, the Iron Horse Music Hall has a new owner, and music could be emanating from the venerable Center Street location as soon as February. The Parlor Room, a nearby music venue run by a nonprofit, announced last month...
by Advocate Staff | Oct 27, 2023 | Articles, Featured, Uncategorized
By EMILY THURLOW For the Advocate As the largest public research institution in New England, the University of Massachusetts Amherst holds an international reputation for its more than 200 academic programs serving over 28,000 students. The university has received...
by Jennifer Levesque | Oct 27, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Mixtape, Music, Stage, Uncategorized
By JENNIFER LEVESQUE For the Advocate We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: The music scene just hasn’t been the same post-COVID. Many venues remain vacant and are quite literally decaying. Some opened for a short period of time, then closed indefinitely....
by Monte Belmonte | Oct 27, 2023 | Columns, Featured, Food + Booze, Food Booze and Beyond, Monte Belmonte Wines, Uncategorized
By MONTE BELMONTE For the Advocate The 50 year anniversary edition of the Valley Advocate? Wow. I’m honored to be in it! My first recollection of picking up the Advocate was back in 2002, when this future wine columnist was only three years into his (legal) drinking...
by Robin Goldstein | Oct 27, 2023 | Cannabis!, Columns, Featured, Food Booze and Beyond, News, Uncategorized
By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN For the Advocate Since the birth of the progressive era, western Massachusetts has been a hotbed of progressive activism. But some of that activist history might surprise you. Progressivism was a Protestant social reform movement that swept America...
by Advocate Staff | Sep 29, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Music, Stage, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer Like so many other arts venues, the Fine Arts Center at the University of Massachusetts had to resort to online productions during the worst of the pandemic. As FAC Director Jamilla Deria told the Gazette at the time, planning for the...
by Advocate Staff | Sep 29, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Staff Picks, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer From the pages of a 17th century Algonquin-language Bible, to a 2021 painting that celebrates the majesty of whales, a new exhibit at the Mead Art Museum at Amherst College devoted to Native American art is built around the theme of...
by Advocate Staff | Sep 22, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Music, Staff Picks, Stage, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer Max Roach is celebrated as one of the most influential drummers in jazz history, a pioneer of Bebop who led groundbreaking ensembles in every decade of his long career. As a drummer and a composer, he’s credited with making drums a more...
by Advocate Staff | Sep 22, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Music, Uncategorized
By MADDIE FABIAN Staff Writer As many Easthampton residents do, Marjory Zaik has deep ties to the historic New City Neighborhood. A 1930s family photograph pictures her aunts Stella and Helen laughing while cheerfully leaning against the rail of their Federal Street...
by Advocate Staff | Sep 22, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer The Hilltown 6 Pottery Tour, in which potters in the region open their studios to visitors, has been a staple in the Valley for almost 20 years. Now the Hilltown Open Studio Tour is making its move to become a mainstay annual event. The...
by Advocate Staff | Sep 8, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Music, News, Podcast, Stage, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRERStaff Writer Musicians are always looking for another venue to play. Actors and playwrights search for a new place to stage a show. Dancers want another floor to move on. At Holyoke Media, they all can find room. The independent, nonprofit...
by Advocate Staff | Sep 8, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Leisure, Staff Picks, Uncategorized
By DON STEWART For the Advocate A short drive from downtown Lenox, you travel past ornamental wrought iron gates and enter into the former Gilded Age estate of “Brookhurst.” You’re first greeted by a voluptuous two-and-a-half-ton reclining female figure sculpted by...
by Advocate Staff | Aug 25, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Music, News, Staff Picks, Stage, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer Joe Farnsworth was 10 or 11 when he got the chance to meet a drumming legend: Max Roach. It was at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, in 1979, where Roach taught. Farnsworth, who grew up in South Hadley, remembers how one of his...
by Advocate Staff | Aug 25, 2023 | Featured, Uncategorized
By EMILY THURLOW For the Advocate At one point or another, you’ve likely overheard someone mention “Pagans” in a conversation. Those not in the know might feel an immediate sense of skepticism upon hearing the word. It might even elicit fear for some who link Paganism...
by Monte Belmonte | Aug 25, 2023 | Featured, Food + Booze, Monte Belmonte Wines, Uncategorized
By MONTE BELMONTE For the Advocate As someone who worked for a music radio station in western Mass for twenty years, I was ashamed to admit that I had never been to Tanglewood. And as someone who is a day-drinking, BYOB loving, wine-snobby bon vivant, I am even more...
by Jennifer Levesque | Aug 25, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Mixtape, Music, Review, Staff Picks, Stage, Uncategorized
By JENNIFER LEVESQUE For the Advocate Years ago, the late musician Ted Pratt made a Facebook post stating he wanted to start a thrash band and call it “Uzi Jacuzzi.” Intrigued, vocalist and guitarist Tristan Jorud reached out to Pratt and the two got together that...
by Advocate Staff | Aug 11, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Staff Picks, Stage, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer Edgy. Sardonic and deadpan. Willing to joke about difficult subjects. Willing to joke about himself. As Sam Morril sees it, pretty much anything is fair game for comedy, at least as an antidote to the news and to life in general. “It’s a...
by Advocate Staff | Aug 11, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Stage, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer Over the years, the Valley has sent some talented playwrights into the world — the late Wendy Wasserstein, a Mount Holyoke College graduate, is one notable name — but few can rival the success of Annie Baker, the 1999 Amherst Regional...
by Advocate Staff | Aug 4, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Music, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER Staff Writer July was a challenging month for outdoor music shows, with the heavy rain that flooded local farms and roads also washing out some concerts and threatening others. Organizers for upcoming music festivals in Easthampton are hoping things...
by Advocate Staff | Jul 31, 2023 | Food + Booze, Review, Staff Picks, Uncategorized
By DOMENIC POLI STAFF WRITER To all of you out there reading this online or in print, there is something I desperately need to confess: For a portion of my July, I have been drinking on the job. But, in my defense, my editor told me to. The number of craft breweries...
by Advocate Staff | Jul 31, 2023 | Arts, Featured, Music, Review, Uncategorized
By STEVE PFARRER STAFF WRITER Several years ago, Grayson Ty and Laura Buchanan first met as separate working musicians. That night, Ty, a singer-songwriter, was co-billed at the Iron Horse Musical Hall in Northampton with Eavesdrop, then an acoustic folk-pop trio that...
by Advocate Staff | Jul 17, 2023 | Columns, Featured, Food + Booze, Food Booze and Beyond, Review, Staff Picks, Uncategorized
By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN For the Advocate I don’t know anything about weed gummies. I warned my editors about this. They shrugged and reminded me that I was a food columnist, so gummies were my territory. I nodded slowly. My gummy quest began with an educational visit to a...