Larcenous bees

The boarders love blueberries. We pick a bundle every year at Birdhaven Blueberry farm. That hardly satisfies the yearly need. My parents have wild blueberries that my mother collects by the jug-full each August when she’s not busy worrying. We eat these in...

Crop spins

Crop spins If Northampton zoning laws were as they should be, when I felt my soil fertility had declined, I’d just go into the next yard, cut down all the trees and grass then wait for the dry season (based on this year, that would be the winter). I’d burn...

Tomato Mystery

Oh the humanity! I love my tomatoes. I mean, sure everybody loves tomatoes, but I really love tomatoes. When one of my plants suffers, in some real way I suffer. This afternoon I came home to find one of my plants suffering: It had probably been suffering for a while...

It's getting real.

These two photos are separated by a week. You’ll immediately note that the weather is better in the second image. We did have one lovely weekend. You might also notice how clearly lazy I am; the hose is still there. I did manage to move the green rubber ball. In...