by Monte Belmonte | Oct 18, 2019 | Articles, Columns, Featured, Monte Belmonte Wines
Cristián Aliaga thought he wanted to be a dentist. Maybe it was the future prospect of uncovering leftover tuna fish under someone’s dental bridge that made him reconsider. But when it came time to make a decision as to what to study at university in Chile, he...
by Monte Belmonte | Oct 3, 2019 | Articles, Columns, Featured, Monte Belmonte Wines
I have never been to wine country. At least never to any of the famous wine countries. Not Napa. Not Bordeaux. Not Piedmont. Nowhere. This is yet another one of the many reasons why it could be considered a lapse in judgment every time the Advocate prints one of my...
by Monte Belmonte | Sep 20, 2019 | Articles, Columns, Featured, Monte Belmonte Wines
“Write drunk, edit sober,” said someone who is not Ernest Hemingway, although the quote is often attributed to him. It’s bad writing advice. Worse advice is “write drunk, edit drunk.” And I wish I could blame my own editing mistake in my last column on either of those...
by Monte Belmonte | Sep 6, 2019 | Articles, Columns, Featured, Monte Belmonte Wines
It’s getting to be the end of summer. I admit, while I’m trying to drink dry the last vestiges of the season, coming up with an idea for a late summer wine column has been like drawing wine from a stone. I should be drinking wine on vacation, not worrying about...
by Monte Belmonte | Aug 13, 2019 | Articles, Columns, Featured, Monte Belmonte Wines
It was a dark and stormy night. Meaning a night where I could use a rum and ginger beer over ice with a slice of lime. But also, there was a thunderstorm looming. My children had taken over the inside and outside of my house in order to transform it into an immersive...