
“Nice Work” is O.K.!

“Nice Work” is O.K.!

They just don’t make musicals like they used to. Except when they do. Nice Work If You Can Get It, playing at the Bushnell in Hartford through February 8th, is a 1920s musical that premiered on Broadway in 2012. It was whipped up by Joe DiPietro from the skeleton of a...

StageStruck: Men on the Edge

The Royal National Theatre’s NT Live initiative beams theater performances live (or time zone delayed) via satellite from its London stages, and occasionally from other British theaters, to cinema screens around the world. Now the popular series has hopped the pond to...
Nightcrawler: Reality Bytes

Nightcrawler: Reality Bytes

The song may be more than three decades old, but even now, when musicians play a local watering hole, they know there’s a good chance someone will yell out “Freebird” at some point. Plucking even the opening arpeggio of 1971’s “Stairway to Heaven” at any given guitar...

Singapore, part 1: The Fringe

I was in Singapore last month when, by happy coincidence, the Singapore Fringe Festival, an annual showcase of alternative theater and visual arts, was underway. Over half of the festival’s 11 productions were homegrown, and I caught four of them. The performances (in...
Nightcrawler: Trash Talkin’

Nightcrawler: Trash Talkin’

They may call themselves Trailer Trash, but in talking to lead singer Joe Fazio and six-stringer Bob Stanek about the band’s inception, it sure sounds more like a recycling/re-tooling project. “Everyone in this band are friends and we’ve played together in various...
Cinemadope: Cracking the Enigma

Cinemadope: Cracking the Enigma

As a young and nerdish boy, I was obsessed with words. I collected them the way a lepidopterist might collect moths, catching them on the wing and pinning them down to puzzle out their origins, oddities, and family ties to other words. It all felt like a marvelously...
Nightcrawler: Sir Mix-A-Lot

Nightcrawler: Sir Mix-A-Lot

The Crawler knows. You just got through returning all those clunker presents from the office Secret Santas. Now here comes scene stalwart Henning Ohlenbusch, playing sonic Santa. “As physical copies of music are becoming more and more obsolete, we feel this is an...

Stagestruck: Carving the Pie

Two years ago on this page I looked back at the first annual Valley Gives Day, a 24-hour fundraising event for area nonprofits, organized by the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts. The intention was to provide a common platform for local organizations...
Nightcrawler: Taylor Made

Nightcrawler: Taylor Made

J ames Taylor’s brother Livingston need only pull out his self-titled, debut album from 1970 to cover the “something old” requirement. His just released CD Blue Sky fulfills both the “new” and “blue.” Not sure what Livingston Taylor is going to borrow between now and...
Cinemadope: Death Valley

Cinemadope: Death Valley

For all its sun, California has never lacked for shadows. Before their books were made into genre-defining films, writers like Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett — authors who essentially invented hard-boiled detective fiction with books like The Big Sleep and The...

Night Must Fall

I was recently reading a play – Nightfall by the Australian playwright Joanna Murray-Smith – that reminded me a lot of a play I recently saw – Edward Albee’s A Delicate Balance in its current Broadway run. Although one takes place on the other...

Wicked and Really Wicked

A few weeks ago I wrote an Advocate column about the scarcity of women playwrights and directors on area stages – four and eight, respectively, in 35 productions last summer, a gender imbalance that reflects the national stats. And I might have added to that...
The 2014 Nightcrawler Notable Awards

The 2014 Nightcrawler Notable Awards

In no particular order and assembled for reasons no loftier than your enjoyment plus the Crawler’s pressing need to hurry over to the holiday party before the open bar closes… here are your 2014 Nightcrawler Notable Awards:   The You Never Sausage A...

Starting Off, Catching Up

Hello and welcome to StageStruck, younger brother of StageStruck, my column on the Stage Page of the Advocate’s print and online editions. This offspring was conceived from a pair of incompatible circumstances. The column is no longer weekly, and the...

Five Gutsy Women

Women with smarts and guts are at the core of five shows I’ve seen recently. And I’m not just talking about the characters. This gifted handful are all actors who bring intelligence, style and emotional daring to their work, which they exemplify in these...

Last Chances

The summer is barely half over, it seems, and already two Valley theaters are wrapping up their seasons. This weekend sees the year’s final performances at the Ko Festival of Performance in Amherst and New Century Theater in Northampton.NCT’s wide-ranging,...

Eastward Ho: Plays in Boston and the Cape

Jonathan is dead. His ashes are in an urn on the side table and his wife, Zaida, is packing his things away in boxes. Then the front door opens and a man walks in “wearing his face”—Jonathan’s long-lost twin brother Ernie, too late to say...

Minority Report

“It’s so subjective, isn’t it?” wrote a friend recently, sending me a glowing review of a play we’d both seen and both failed to glow over. Most of us critics do try to be objective, putting aside, or at least acknowledging, our...

Left-Coast Classics

Left-Coast Classics Dateline Berkeley — Just because it was Christmastime, and we were visiting family and friends on the West Coast, didn’t mean I wasn’t going to see as much theater as I usually do. And I did, starting in holiday style with a...

The Best Seats in the House

I don’t go to the movies very often. It’s not that I don’t like movies, I just spend so much time seeing plays there’s little time for films. But there’s one cinema I attend regularly—to see plays. For five seasons, +the Amherst...

The Bullies of Venice

For the past year, I’ve been thinking a lot about *The Merchant of Venice, since I’m directing it for the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter School in a production that plays this coming weekend at the Academy of Music in Northampton. If you know...

Handspring, Handmade

Having recently experienced War Horse, that British megahit from the National Theatre, I was eager to see the Bristol Old Vic’s production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which stopped at ArtsEmerson in Boston earlier this month on a U.S....

Lives of Not-So-Quiet Desperation

Two shows currently playing in Hartford (both through June 22) detail the vicissitudes of love and, even though there’s hardly a moment in either play when anyone is onstage alone, of loneliness. One is an often bittersweet kaleidoscope of 21st-century...
NT Live, Live

NT Live, Live

Since the NT Live series of satellite broadcasts of performances from London’s National Theatre debuted five seasons ago, I’ve seen almost all of them. The Amherst Cinema is one of hundreds of venues that bring the stage shows to far-flung audiences who wouldn’t...

Jacob's Pillow Eclectic

“The Vinegar Works” began with an in-joke for PBS viewers: a recitation of Edward Gorey’s ghoulish alphabet poem “The Gashlycrumb Tinies” (“A is for Amy who fell down the stairs, B is for Basil assaulted by bears…”)...

Big Apple/Big Easy

Ring Lardner was the master of comic fiction with a cynical edge and George s. Kaufman the master of urbane Broadway farce. When they teamed up in 1929 to adapt a Lardner show-biz story, the result was June Moon, an urbane romantic comedy with an ironic edge that...

Take Me Out to the Storm Scene

“Blow winds, and crack your cheeks!” shouts King Lear in Act 3 Scene 1 as he rages in the tragedy’s climactic storm. But on the night I saw the play last week, at the New York Public Theater’s free outdoor Shakespeare in the Park, that line...

Shoe Notes

“Tap predates jazz,” explained Michelle Dorrance when introducing an informal showcase of work by her students at Jacob’s Pillow earlier this summer. That is, before the blue note came the shoe note. But Dorrance is no strict preservationist –...

The Two Sisters

This could have had the makings of an uncomfortable evening in the theater: a young company in a new play written to order by a friend of theirs, with an opening-night house full of friends and supporters ready to laugh lustily at every suggestion of a joke. Given...

The Surprise is No Surprise

Two shows I’ve seen in the past week, at opposite ends of the state but with a common link, have received glowing press and, judging from the nights I was in the house, enthusiastic audiences. Dancing Lessons, at Barrington Stage Company in Pittsfield, is a...