
A Guide to Local Cannabis Dispensaries

A Guide to Local Cannabis Dispensaries

Amherst 1 Rise Holdings Inc. 169 Meadow St. Hours: Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone: 413-825-9770 Website: risecannabis.com/ Products: Offers medical and recreational marijuana. Massachusetts is one of eight states...
Welcome back to The Valley Advocate

Welcome back to The Valley Advocate

A heartfelt welcome back, dear reader. It’s been awhile since The Valley Advocate’s last edition on April 30. The cover for that edition was titled, “We are still here,” highlighting a feature story about how the Cancer Connection was still offering phone and online...
Happenings in the Valley

Happenings in the Valley

The COVID-19 crisis and need to avoid crowds have canceled many planned events in the area, but alternatives are being arranged for online viewing, and in some cases, participation. Our online calendar has listings from organizations across the country hosting virtual...
Cinemadope: Home Movies

Cinemadope: Home Movies

As we all navigate our way through this new landscape of isolation and social distancing, most of us have lost the small local connections we once took for granted. The familiar hello of a barista who poured our morning coffee, the nod of the bus driver who brought us...
Cinemadope: Alone Together

Cinemadope: Alone Together

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m starting to miss the world. Out of work and holed up in the house — half the week in a kind of monkish solitude, the other half with three increasingly stir-crazy kids — is exactly the opposite of what anyone wants out of...
Staff Picks: Still social distancing

Staff Picks: Still social distancing

Still not much going on these days in terms of live performances, but there are a few if you know where to look. Here is a hybrid staff picks from the Advocate with a livestream concert, a weird movie, and a couple of TV shows to enjoy. — Dave Home Sessions at the...
Cinemadope: Home Theater

Cinemadope: Home Theater

It might seem silly to have a local film column this week. As I write, public schools are shutting down for a three-week hiatus, restaurants are shifting strictly to takeout service, and we’re all avoiding crowds. The long-running Pioneer Valley Jewish Film Festival...
Staff Picks: Coronavirus edition

Staff Picks: Coronavirus edition

We’re doing things a bit differently this week. With so many events canceled due to fears over the coronavirus, our staff picks this week are dedicated to things we’re reading or doing on our own as we work to “flatten the curve” and participate in social distancing....